Getting Fit at 40: My MP45 Journey

Welcome to my mid-life crisis. My “crisis” of self-confidence, or lack thereof,  was based on my physical state and over-all health. I have decided to document this journey with anyone who cares to share in it. Obesity is a large problem in the United States, and it can be an overwhelming task to take on if you aren’t informed. The following blog follows me through the MP45 program, and trying to get fit at 40 (Well, 39, but close enough). If you want to know more about me and more importantly, why MP45? Continue to scroll through. I’ve also added some training and nutritional tips that might help with completing the program or cut costs should you chose to make a change in your life. To see my results and what the MP45 program can do for you, use the link to my blog at the top of the page.

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About me…

In order to better explain what led me to this point, let me first tell you a little about myself. My name is Brian, and I am a Firefighter/Paramedic. This is a job that requires you to be in peak physical condition. Unfortunately, there are many who are not (Myself included). This lack of physical conditioning leads to “on the job” injuries as well as cardiac problems and in some cases fatalities. Heart attacks remain the leading cause of death in firefighters.

Growing up I was always the skinny kid, so weight never really concerned me. I have never been one to “weigh-in” and I am not a big fan of pictures. So, after years of nutritional and training neglect, lets just say I gained some weight. In January of 2015, I decided to finally get a picture in my Class ‘A’ Uniforms because my Father had been asking me for one. When I got the pictures taken and the photographer showed them to me I was amazed (not in a good way). I didn’t even recognize myself, and was disgusted with what I saw. First thing I did when I got home was weighed myself…. 250 pounds!

I immediately decided to make a change, and began doing research on nutrition and training. I made a huge change to what I was eating and began doing interval training for a cardio workout. Usually this involved going to the local football field and running sprints, or doing intervals on the bike. I also started doing basic weightlifting, but it wasn’t really structured (see the training and nutrition sections for more). By November of 2015 I weighed 204 pounds! Amazing right? Not really. While I lost weight which was a good start, I still wasn’t happy with how I looked. I lacked any real definition, and while I was “stronger” I wasn’t where I needed to be. Shortly after that, some of life’s obstacles derailed my nutrition and training. Over the next year I gained weight back and was 230 pounds in November of 2016.

I regained my focus, and got back on track with eating and training. I got back down to 219 pounds, but again, was still unhappy with my appearance and health. It was this feeling that led me to MP45. I knew I needed something to keep me focused and challenged. On April 1st, 2017 measuring 5’11” tall and weighing 219 pounds, I began the MP45 program…. This is my story.

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Why MP45?

Why did I choose MP45? Well first understand this… There are many workout programs out there that will work if you are dedicated, and follow them as directed. I have several friends that have changed their lives with other programs. Joining a crossfit gym and other online or DVD workout programs can lead to success as long as you make the lifestyle changes needed. I looked at a lot of programs to help me reach my goals. I wanted something that provided challenging workouts that would push me to exhaustion, and a solid nutrition plan that didn’t make me starve myself. There were many of them that peaked my interest and had what I was looking for, but I went with MP45.

Why? Jaret Grossman (Co-Founder of MP45)…. that’s why! In order to be successful you need to be self-motivated. You must have some type of motivation in you. It is impossible to motivate someone who lacks any self-motivation. That being said, I am a motivated person (when it comes to things I am passionate about), but every now and then I need a boost. I follow several people that are motivational and get me amped up whenever I need a boost. Eric Thomas, Les Brown, and…. you guessed it Jaret Grossman (Just to name a few of my favorites)!

I was not looking for a magic pill. I was looking for a program that would push me to improve, and require me to put in maximum effort to make a change in my life. With a name like Jaret’s attached to it, I knew it was what I was looking for. After seeing that, the choice was simple. MP45 was the program for me!